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Monday, 28 February 2011

AK47 terror of Brit builder fleeing Libya -

CYMA CM028 AK-47 Replica Metal Gear AEG Airsoft RifleAK47 terror of Brit builder fleeing Libya - "British builder fleeing Libya’s violent uprising told last night how he cheated death at the hands of gun-wielding anti-Gaddafi rebels.

Dad-of-two Paul Lynch, 54, was shot at as a violent mob attacked a building site where he was working. Bleeding from a head wound, he was helped to a nearby village and eventually made it to the Egyptian border.

But just 100 yards from safety he was stopped by anti-Gaddafi protesters and had a rifle pointed at his head. “The guy cocked his gun inches from my face,” said Paul, now back home in Birmingham. “I’ll never forget that sound. I thought, ‘This is it.’ I’ve never been as afraid in my entire life. I don’t know how we got out alive.”

Paul’s ordeal began last Saturday at the building site where he and a fellow Brit were overseeing construction of a luxury hotel and penthouse for Colonel Gaddafi’s second son Saif, near the city of Tobruk."


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